Monday, March 8, 2010

3 Doors Down Bringing Kryptonite to Orlando

There’s only one place to enjoy King Cakes and a tune referencing Superman — Universal Studios Mardi Gras Celebration on March 27. Join the revelers and catch a live performance from 3 Doors Down. Their song “The Better Life” always reminds me of Bluegreen’s two relaxing resorts in America’s favorite vacation destination: Orlando’s Sunshine Resort and The Fountains.


  1. wow, long time no listen...3 doors down? Not anymore. I thought they moved to another city...

  2. I don't know why vayK thought they moved to another city. I mean they ARE "3 doors down", right? ;)

  3. I hope they can come down to Miami, then I can stay at Solara and party.
